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Pittsburgh Magazine: Riverlife Announces Plans To Restore Allegheny Riverfront Park

Posted on: February 28, 2022

Tagged: outdoor lighting, Riverlife

Modular International is grateful to be a part of the restoration of Allegheny Riverfront Park.

“One of Downtown Pittsburgh’s parks is getting a facelift.

Allegheny Riverfront Park was first dedicated in 2001, touted as much-needed cartilage connecting Pittsburgh’s Cultural District across a barrier of roadways and bridges to the Allegheny River. But time took its toll on the space, and its restoration was the topic of a virtual event held yesterday morning, hosted by the nonprofit Riverlife.

“Allegheny Riverfront Park: The Origins and Future of a Cultural Landscape” featured panelists Carol Brown, former president and CEO of The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, along with Michael Van Valkenburgh, founder and creative director of Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Inc. — the landscape architecture firm hired by the Trust to design Allegheny Riverfront Park in the 1990s. The session was moderated by Riverlife President and CEO Matthew Galluzzo.”

Read the rest of the Pittsburgh Magazine article by clicking here.

Photo by Ollie Gratzinger